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Welcome to the Tamiami Colts, a dynamic 12U tackle football team that prides itself on being much more than just a group of young athletes – we're a wolf pack in every sense. Based in the vibrant Tamiami Park in Miami, FL, our team embodies the spirit of unity, strength, and resilience. At the heart of the Tamiami Colts is our dedication to nurturing not just skilled football players, but confident and disciplined individuals. Our coaching staff, comprised of experienced and passionate mentors.
Welcome to the Tamiami Colts, a dynamic 12U tackle football team that prides itself on being much more than just a group of young athletes – we're a wolf pack in every sense. Based in the vibrant Tamiami Park in Miami, FL, our team embodies the spirit of unity, strength, and resilience. At the heart of the Tamiami Colts is our dedication to nurturing not just skilled football players, but confident and disciplined individuals. Our coaching staff, comprised of experienced and passionate mentors.
2024- TC 10under
2024- TC 11under
2024- TC 12under
Welcome to the Tamiami Colts, a dynamic 12U tackle football team that prides itself on being much more than just a group of young athletes – we're a wolf pack in every sense. Based in the vibrant Tamiami Park in Miami, FL, our team embodies the spirit of unity, strength, and resilience. At the heart of the Tamiami Colts is our dedication to nurturing not just skilled football players, but confident and disciplined individuals. Our coaching staff, comprised of experienced and passionate mentors.
2024- TC 13under
2024- TC Pewees
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